Hypnosis is not mind control. It is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, but you remain in control of your actions

You cannot get stuck in a hypnotic trance. The worst that can happen is that you fall asleep and wake up naturally

Hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don’t want to do. If a suggestion goes against your values, you would simply reject it and come out of the hypnotic

Hypnotizability is not related to intelligence or strength of mind. It depends on individual susceptibility and willingness to be hypnotized

Feeling trapped by a either a minor or major phobia?   Regardless of what kind or how intense the phobia, it can be lowered to make life easier.

Hypnosis is calm grey area between awake. Naturally the better you get at self-hypnosis the better prepared you are for sleep. 

Stress and constantly feeling wound up is obviously way too hard on the mind and body.  When you can control your mind through hypnosis, you can feel at peace and enjoy life.

Experience Life Differently.

A drug free way to lower choric pain quickly and easily. Hypnosis has been used by dental community for years to deal with pain from root canals

Want to be a non-smoker?  Tired of battling the addiction using will power or drugs? In only a few hours you can be smoke free.

Release yourself from the daily struggle of feeling less than.

Discover the secrets of how to see the world and how people see you differently.

What’s holding you back from learning at a at a higher level? Discover the secrets to accelerated learning..

Break free of that cloud of unhappiness that has been dragging down too many areas of your life. What would life be like it you had a happier outlook on life.