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Revealed the Reasons

Why Willpower wont Work

Watch the video below for the secret behind why willpower is doomed to fail.

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Is the cost of your habit roughly the same as the monthly lease on a new car?

What are you spending per week, per month and per year. What kind of car and where could you go for vacation with the money you spend monthly?

How many precious family moments have you missed during your smoke breaks?

What have you missed out on because of that habit. So many smoker look back with a mountain of regret from wasting time, money and their health.

Have social opportunities passed you by because smoking was a ” Deal Breaker ” for them?

Do you notice people include you less because of they are not smokers?

Health effects after you stop smoking.

  • After a person stops smoking, their body begins to heal and recover from the damage caused by tobacco use. Here’s a timeline of the health improvements that can occur after quitting smoking:
  • 1-9 hours: Carbon monoxide levels in the bloodstream start to decrease, increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
  • 1-2 days: Nerve endings start to regrow, and the sense of taste and smell improve.
  • 2-12 weeks: Circulation improves, with a reduction in the heart rate and blood pressure. The risk of coronary heart disease begins to decrease.
  • 1-3 months: Coughing and shortness of breath start to improve as the lungs clear mucus and debris. The cilia (tiny hair-like structures) in the lungs begin to regrow, helping to remove pollutants more efficiently.
  • 1 year: The risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by about 50% compared to someone who still smokes. The risk of stroke starts to decrease as well.
  • 5 years: The risk of stroke is reduced to near that of a non-smoker, and the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, and bladder decreases.
  • 10 years: The risk of lung cancer is about half that of a person who is still smoking. The risk of other cancers, such as kidney and pancreatic cancer, also decreases.
  • 15 years: The risk of coronary heart disease is now similar to that of a non-smoker, and the risk of other smoking-related diseases continues to decrease.
  • It’s important to note that everyone’s body is different, and the rate of recovery may vary from person to person. Quitting smoking has numerous health benefits, and the sooner a person stops, the better their chances of avoiding smoking-related diseases.

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